
Monday, January 13, 2014

Style Options

So I tried to think outside the standard short film box so many of these don't have examples, use some awesome imagination...

(Near) Infrared Photography...

This is basically a warped view of color, it pushes the spectrum. then it compresses it. We would control saturation very carefully. But this look really lends itself to a naturally frosty world already. I at one point thought what if we did the whole thing with everything as ice (SPOILER: Like at the end of frozen) but I think that's a little to far. This would be the happy medium and I've never seen it before in a short. Last note I think this would look better with not hyper-real(ish) textures, otherwise people might not really get the effect.

Documentary Style...
So I watch planet earth made by discovery channel whenever I need inspiration. I had an idea that will shoot it as if it was being handling by a documentary crew that is filming him climb rams horn. This would involve some awesome interview style stuffy and handheld cam. Maybe even some helicopter shots. They of course wont be able to help him but the blurry crash zooms and cameraman mistakes could take it in a fun direction. The style effects on this might be making it an old school look (grain/filmstock). With dates and time-codes on the bottom. This would lend to a contrasty hdr grit version. I'm not trying to intrude on story here just thought it would make it fun. (Wiley coyote often looks at the cam/audience, this would make that plausible and funnier.)

Optical Illusions Maurice Noble Spin...
This one is a little hard to put into world but Maurice Noble had a very cool graphic style, and I thought what if we did that and mixed in movement based optical illusions. What if we set up most shots with graphic mountains that when the character moved an illusion was reaveled. Maybe words lining up in the mountains or a perspective trick to give false distance.

I can think of some really fun gags to work in with this style of short.

Specular and AO with flat mix...
So this basic idea with this one is the look of 3D mixed with flat textures. We would have to do a lot of tests to see if it works but heres the idea. We make everything with specular and bump maps render it, and render an AO pass for additional form. The a mask for some main items and put under a flat pattern much like they do in Chowder. It would still keep the cool 3D element but the flat fun graphic 2D textures behind would match our subject matter.

Sorry for the longs post... Hopefully Garret wont get mad at me again, haha jk.

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